Wednesday, August 6, 2008

give me a moment to recall.

alright let's go.

ystd morning, attended the Acc talk, met up with the Scooby Doo ppl again.
refreshements was gooddd. and smu gave us another exquisitely made leather luggage tag, a SMU Accountancy card holder (for our matric card) and a 1GB thumbdrive! (with all the SMU Acc signs all over) that's very RICH and generous of them don't you think! that explains the escalating school fees alright! :|

after the 3 hrs talk, we went for lunch at PS and dingjie joined us from there on. he's so funny cos i was frustrated the night before cos i couldn't access OASIS to view my timetable and he was like go sleep, get rest, tmr then check, don't worry. then he told the rest abt me freaking out that night! :( haha anyway, the whole morning i was the only one who's still clueless abt my timetable. so i decided i can't be left in suspense any longer and asked peter to help me check anddd guess whattt i'm in BLOCK A. almost all my friends are in B! but yichen is in block A too so i was pretty relieved.

after lunch. headed to the ktv around clarke quay (yifang, wallace and xing er joined us here) and it was super FUNNN. we booked 2 rooms so it's like one is solely for ENGLISH and the other for CHINESE songs. anddd tell you whatt, i of course unquestionably belonged to the english! with celestine, john, ian, sheri, and a crasher guy haha. we had so much fun, evidence is on my facebook! :)

around 6plus, deny started bugging me to come for the gathering and i left with john and kevin and met them at the central! made our way to the minds cafe. honestly it wasn't my first time there so i was not that psyched as i'd have been if it was my virgin visit but neverthelessss there i wasss, playing away and enjoying myself thereee. i love the dog&bone ala heart attack! haha :D i can't wait to go there with the Scooby Doo ppl again! (we have the minds cafe vouchers for winning some camp games and we're going to have another outing there good.)

yuli and bf joined us lateee lateee in the evening and we went for dinner at this hottt place (or was it the food we ate?) around. i was supposed to meet my friends again at bukit timah island creamery for dessert but apparently i can't make it in time! so saddd i've to miss it cos we planned for quite some time to use the island creamery vouchers we won during the camp too. but we'll have moreee gatherings to come! to name some, the freshmen bash @ zouk, tri-uni carnival @ sentosa, wallace's 21st, and moreeee. so yeahh i won't miss them just yet :)

today woke up and i actually wanted to sleep in some more but i managed to drag myself up all bcos of the stupid modules-bidding! i was scared that the locker incident repeats itself; where i didn't get to book a LARGE locker due to my lack of speed or rather others' kiasuness. so yeah early in the morning matt called me to ask what modules and how much i'm bidding for and i was like, THAT'S A BIT PERSONAL! later i tell him and he outbids me how haha. i told him nevertheless! (being the nice friend that i am!) so i asked walter for advice and we talked super long cos really very frustrating the whole system. yichen and i were trying very hard to match our schedules and bid for the same class but nopeee, to no avail. not even a single class together! but we both have our MONDAY free! :D

so what did i bid for?
(after the whole morning contemplating!)

STATISTICS under walter's ex prof (he said he's good, i chose to trust him) and TWC under pamela lim! (i realllyyyy hope i get her!! i've been hearing only good things about her from many!) so i bidded quite high for pamela lim haha don't know if i'll regret though! but i desperately want her that i don't mind taking her 8am tues class! crossing my fingers.

i heard from walter that in TWC, we, freshmen, will be in the same class as the year3s! and i'm not exactly thrilled at that thought :| 

btw i'm typing this and surfing the net using safari of Mac and MSNing in windows! how cool is that! ADOREEE MY MAC :) (thanksss to yuli who did me such huge favour and went all the way to NUS just to fetch it for me, muchh appreciated help!)

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