Friday, November 16, 2007

woohh. today was my second last paper. chem mcq. i thought it was okay, but i won't know if i made any mistakes really. i'm actually feeling pretty high right now; i was tidying up my table, clearing the pile of papers and chem notes scattering on my desk. one more subject to be junked. i felt much load and pressure has been lifted off my shoulders. now the only book remaining on my desk is most certainly the adorable physics. can't wait till tuesday! so tomorrow is SA open house '07. cheam will let me know if he's going by tonight. if he is, most prob i'll be going too. the school is so pretty with all the eye-catching deco and huge banners and colourful stickers from each CCA. there's this looooong banner saying "ST ANDREW'S JUNIOR COLLEGE OPEN HOUSE 2007..." along the jacob ballas bridge! it's seriously BREATHTAKING! yeah, you can't deny SA is rich. i can see that the 30th is feeling quite excited about the event. i could very well recall how i felt last year, i was in charge of the distribution of the famous SA shoebag (where apparently the sec4s come to SA just to collect the shoebag). i think this is their first important event, followed by grad night soon and of course the highlight of any councillor's job - orientation early next year. ok, so on a different note, it's crystal clear to me that most of my schoolmates are already thinking that As is over(self made-believe). despite the one little paper we have left on tuesday, some are already going for a hairdo, some are going to sentosa this weekend, some are fetching relatives from china. well, i still don't know what's right - for me to have fun during my 3 days break or just lie low and party like there's no tomorrow on tuesday 9.15 am sharp. hmm either way works for me actually, but maybe being my usual good self, i'd go with the latter one. or maybe both haha :D okky msged me today before chem paper confirming the news from deny that we'll be going sentosa on monday. i told him it's tuesday and he asked why sentosa and i replied him i wanna suntan and his reply was seriously hilarious: why? i'm already chao-ta like this! hahaha isn't he just funnaayyy. i told peter and he laughed like hell. oh about the house, it's pretty much settled, everything went super smoothly (i still refuse to believe it), and most likely we'd sign the contract tomorrow. i bought new seventeen today, with gorgeous mischa on the cover. alright. so tell me, are your eyes hurting from reading this neat neat entry? i hope not, it's not my intention. well, if yes, all i can tell you is that there's always a compromise to being kaypo. PEACE :)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

sometimes even those you thought would never speak badly of you or offend you no matter what DO disappoint you.

i'm sick of making myself do so much and then that much goes unacknowledged.


can't i just stick to where i am right now?

Monday, November 12, 2007

the much-dreaded phy p2 today! (the holiday was taking its toll on me!)
you're not gonna believe when i say this, but it was MUCH MUCH better than p3!
i've no idea what is different, but i guess it's the confidence level i have. THAT definitely changes.
cheam lectures me all the time about confidence. andrew does too! haha. okay, and so does my super-caring-and-lovely-but-can-be-a-moron-sometimes sister, yuli!
so took bus all the way back with siangyee and like always, he gave me his motivational speech again. he's damn good at it i tell you. haha. well, lawyer-wannabe, what do you expect. and even HE admitted that physics so far has been tricky! (he's my physics 'shifu', btw, who always entertains aaaalll my physics questions and he teaches me phy all the time.) yeah but like always too, he ended up bossing me around, "tmr morning you help me check what class i'm in and msg me okay?" and i don't even know his index number. he told me 0183. (ok i write here as a note, this is helpful.) well, one day i'm gonna miss him bossing me around, but maybe not now or in the near future anyway.
ok, so my evil twin decided to show up last night where i practically turned into a moody bitch and offended alot of ppl. omg i felt so sucky ystd and it was awful. mostly cos of yuli! i couldn't study and almost picked a fight with andrew! haha. well, i don't wanna be that person again, no thanks.

ok gtg. more soon!
i love the world, peace.

it's okay. let it go.

*shake shake my head*