Saturday, April 5, 2008

busy with work, work, work. received pay ystd; pretty decent. met a fellow ex-bts friend at work today. gonna bring peter shop around tmr. i want yuli to come back sooner. bought new pillow for neck-pain relief (hope it works!). i need to eat healthier.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


took a cab ($22!) and rushed down to the school of acc/law building. i was the second candidate to be interviewed! that's pretty scary. while waiting, chatted with a raffles jc girl. she's so nice that we talked like as if we knew each other for years. so it was a 2to1 kind, whereby my interviewers are this (quite) old lady and a male senior i guess. they greeted me veryyy warmly and everything. they kept asking me questions! ok let me try to list here the questions they threw at me:
1) why SMU & why accountancy (i prepared for this but only the latter part)
2) tell me more abt your family + hobbies + student council life
3) what did i do for my project work
4) what other schools did i apply to and when i said NTU, whether i have gotten any feedback yet
5) how do i think i will contribute to SMU
6) do i have any idea what an accontant does (omg i crapped my way through, honestly i don't!) and whether i have a friend who's an accountant
7) how do i see myself upon graduation
8) why my course choices are so diversed
9) and other small reply-type of questions like what book do i read, how am i in class and stuff
i think that's about it. i felt like walking out of the interview room at one point i tell you! the thing is, the boy asked most of the questions so naturally i have to make more eye contact with him and i'm afraid the professor will feel neglected and offended! siggghhh. i think i screwed this one up haha. the interview was supposed to be 15 mins but mine was prob like 30 mins! and nothing of current affairs! (which i have been forcibly following everyday just to be on the safe side!) alright nuff said. don't wanna think abt it.

bye world.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

back to work today. after 3 days of break. was worried of sales (i always do whenever i work alone) but turned out pretty fine. i'm actually considering quitting soon, most prob around may. but my boss was like, i really hope you can stay until your sch really starts! uh oh. and i loathe working anywhere else other than cs!

i miss my sis! :|

peter just created his friendster and he's so damn excited can. he created his own background! sp bill rises up every subsequent month. i lectured peter right after.

freaking out of the day after tomorrow's interview!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

reminder to self:
watch the news
read the newspaper


saturday saw me attending functions lunch. leftover functions fund, thus the treat. fish&co glasshouse, around 10 ppl turned up. mr fang was present, he paid for the excess bill. i'm starting to like him (not that i don't before; he's always been the more reserved kind in council) in fact he was actually behaving like one of us haha. so heard lots of gossips ystd (not pure gossips some are actually facts okay) :
- ms lee has been promoted to the gp level head. she quit council.

- this year's grad night is most likely gonna be held at fullerton. envy.
- geri said that the straits times said that for my batch, slightly more than 25% of saints will go u. (last year was 25%.) when i do the calculation, that means around 300/400 students?
- raffles jc is the top high school in the world! (do you know this? cos i don't. i kind of believe though.)
- most of my girlfriends actually did relief-teaching but quit after the march holiday (thats when the contract is over.) apparently they can't stand it. and almost all are bummers now! (contribute to the economy ppl haha)
- there are actually pretty ambitious saints! one wanted to go yale, but no reply yet. another going to
central st martins school (she can compete in project runway!) and the rest like wanna go london sch of economics or smth! even geri is applying to aussie to do double-degree!
- interviews for the u are scary! they throw questions like: do you think govt should spend more on the infrastructure? and then smth about the taxes. then about budget surplus in spore. (alrightttt)
- i think my smu acc interview is gonna be a 2 professors to 1 kind of interview.
- smu bussiness school interview is open-panel discussion and essay-writing! (freakkkyyy.)
- on a random note, the singapore flyer only costs about $26, not $69 like i read in magazines! lasts for about half an hour chris said.
- and lots of others (can't think now)


mr fang was like so fast ah now i hang out with you all and you started talking about uni. soon you'll be talking about who gets married first! then timmy barged in, no, who got their first car first! haha that kind of freaks me out. so after the whole outing, me and timmy sat down at starbucks ps for awhile to chitchat before walking all the way to paragon's coffee bean for the chocolate and then to orchard mrt. we took the train to the east together and along the way tim filled me in on his army stuff. he's actually in ocs if i'm not wrong for 3 weeks. they shaved his hair 3 times! but soon they gonna leave his hair alone. i didnt know army got so many abbreviations la, hearing the boys talk i got headache. poor tim told me that on rainy nights he won't be able to sleep cos he actually have to lift up the base of his tend to prevent the rainwater from wetting his stuff! and they can't bathe for a week and he got heatrash so itchy and they can't even dip themselves on the reservoir or smth. and of course, they march. the whole army thing is so vigorous and tiring that tim said when he came home he misses his bed so much that he just bathes and sleeps. poorrrrrr thingggg. (reminds me of ltc!) and then he told me abt family stuff that i can't write here for the world to see. i then realise that he actually got lots of things in mind. he usually appears so composed and carefree! oh yea. this genius is a pilot/doctor wannabe and i actually can imagine him as both. good for him! arrrggghh. i need to catch up more with jc friends! i miss everyone. that one time i reviewed my blog entries and read about my jc life made me saddd.

went to catch a movie (horton hears a who) with peter at night. and accompanied him have dinner.
i bought a new book (the memory keeper's daughter) and it's so far so nice. it's a sad book!
oh yeah! the recent most scandalous rumour amongst indo friends still doesn't make sense to me! but oh wells none of my problems anyway, so who cares.

later! (:
i'm feeling pretty lousy nowadays; feeling dumb to be precise. i'm starting to worry about not getting a place in the u. believe me, it's not easy. i just came to a harsh realisation of this when i was talking with my friends ystd. some people just have it all. some people are just born all-rounder. some people just don't have to do much for life. some are simply lucky. and that 'some people' certainly doesn't include me.

1) am i going to the u?
2) will i be able to get into acc/buss?
3) which school will i end up in?
4) when will i quit my job? WHEN.

i think i'm just too complacent. again. and whenever i feel i'm okay and happy, that's when this feeling barges in.that has always been the case. and recently i feel like i don't know who are these people around me anymore. I FEEL SO FCKING DISCONNECTED.