Saturday, May 24, 2008

alright, i haven't been updating again i know; seeing that i'm having probably the longest holiday in my entire post-infant life, you'd argue that i should have more material to blog about, but trust me, it takes such considerable amount of time, dilligence and maybe narcissism to be able to do so. i really do admire some disciplined bloggers out there who splash their life out in details to the virtual world on a daily basis (do they like have 48 hrs a day or maybe computer with them 24/7?!) how in the world they do that someone pls fill me in. nevertheless! that's not to say this blog is dead though! i shall make an online promise to whatever is left of the people who actually read this, that i will post an article after every major event happening to revitalise this blog and keep it alive!

today saw me attending my one and only sis' grad ceremony. i have to say that it's kind of inspired me and i do wanna be like them in the sense of having my own graduation celebrated on stage like that. well, of course i've had my fair share of school-farewells seeing that i had gone through two national exams and am an alumnus of two or more schools so far. but what would really leave me gratified is the chance to actually put on that distinguished graduation robe/gown and sashay down the stage as i received my certs handed honourably by some VIPs. thouggghhhhhh... of course the one thing that they have not and i find missing is the part where i get to show off my own cap and throw mine up in the air as the famous graduation statement. and yeah, i could have that. i would have that. i believe i would. just in... 3/4 years time. thank you! :|

that being said, CONGRATULATIONS, BIG SISTER! you did it! and we are terribly proud of you. (i'd have let out earsplitting claps and embarassing screams/shout-outs to put across my pride and support effectively if it weren't for peter's lack of photography skill; i got distracted damn it.) worry not, we think you're awesome all the same :)

Sunday, May 18, 2008



© Marian N. Kehrley

I watched my Mom fill out an application.
I looked at the line that asks about past professions.
I thought to myself, that space is too small
To write down what she's been, to cover it all.
She was a nurse when I fell and scraped my knee.
She was a maid when I didn't wipe my feet.
She was a designer when my clothes didn't match.
She was a tailor when my pants needed a patch.
She was a teacher when I asked a question.
She was a priest when I had a confession.
She was a psychiatrist when I came home crying.
She was a preacher when I got caught lying.
She was a singer when she sung me to sleep.
She was a lifeguard when she said the water's too deep.
There are many more, yet the best one to me,
She was a best friend and mine forever she'll be.
i know i haven't been updating as often as i should be, but hey, free time is a premium and on times when i'm not out there pushing sales (largely and sadly by lying) to most of the neighbourhood tai-tais with too much $$ to spend on some less-than-decent costume jewelleries, i practically have been watching LOTS of drama series at home my computer's gonna explode! ok, i'm actually following most of the girly/chick-ish series such as gossip girl, desperate housewives, cashmere mafia as well as antm and project runway. they're still my favourites seeing that they are some easy, laid-back, dramatised, and for the lack of a better word, banal shows which i can enjoy while multitasking ehh like reading magazines, talking on the phone, chatting on MSN or chewing on some seaweed. buttt don't be quick to judge that i'm some dumb blonde cos i do dig intelligent (ok not so, maybe brainy is a better word choice) shows like PRISON BREAK and THE APPRENTICE! ohh how i miss prison break, but why are they stopping at S03E13?? the show is so not like others of its type where they just ream out junk plots and ended up making you yawn after a few episodes. it's just so exciting; every ending makes you crave for the next episode. i've never been so hooked since gilmore girls and the o.c. scofield charms you with his brains and confidence (no mention necessary on his look), abruzzi the eccentric mob boss appeals to me i don't know why, and lincoln, sucre, the natural understated beauty sarah, gross T-bag and C-note all contrive to make the show unstoppable. "I'M GETTING YOU OUT OF HERE." that's a line you won't get sick of. i bet you agree with me. and as of the apprentice; i only started getting addicted when yuli brought 2-seasons worth of discs back from china. i used to dismiss the show as some dreary ones which merely emphasise on the monotonous corporate/business world exaggerated by labels like donald trump. and i only gave the show a second chance when it hit me that: this might be the world i'm throwing myself into in the not-so-distant future! especially with all the university application anxiety, i find that i can (surprisingly) relate to the show! but still, i just hate the way donald fires talented people whom i've come to love and support from the show! like heidi, for instance. she deserves much better really.

ok. bottom line. if watching those shows are wrong, then i don't wanna be right. prison break owns. totally. please do not end till season 99, thank you!