Saturday, July 12, 2008

i have so many things to say that i feel tired even before i type anything.
starringSMU teambonding rocks! i had so muchhh fun today :D
so i wasn't late, i reached just nice to meet the girls at city hall.
we all wore not-so-nice attire and i actually prepared some bandage just in case.
so we registered and were assigned to be in team 7 (which was 10 initially)
our group is awesome, the relax people who are very calm and collected but get things done.
our facis are impressive as well i have to say; they really take care of us!
they actually share alot with us.
some of the things i caught today are that UniY camp is gonna be much much better than starringSMU (which i already thought fun!), for FTB, run 4 is supposedly the BEST run of all, according to last year! huahahaha we're so lucky then that all the camps are gonna be the fun ones!
so we were given a brief tour of smu. the gym rocks i tell you! comparable to the california fitness i'm not kidding! and all the underpass connecting one school to another, all the food places, free clinics, banks, photocopy centres and moreee hidden places! i really thought it doesn't feel like a school at all la!
after that was ice breakers. we played the name games where we have to put an adjective infront of our names starting with the same letter, and guess what! they all kept calling my name (mini mega)! especially the kingkong ken la! hahaha. everybody kept bullying him as well cos very easy to remember! as our names are called too often, the facis even have to ask us to step aside so that the rest whose name hasn't been called gets to play! haha. the other ice breaker was the scissors paper stone ala shrek. i actually managed to humiliate myself again and the facis kept laughing at me! :|
ok soon came lunch time. our facis brought us to the lesser known food place near school and i thought the food was not bad!
the next event was AMAZING RACE@FORT CANNING PARK. which is just opposite SMU. the whole thing was really enjoyable, it was simple games but surprisingly not boring at all. but i do get some serious tanning and dirt at the end of it all!
there was this one station where we have to dance retarded moves to a song and the only song which happened to be in the handphone was BLEEDING LOVE. i was like laughing the whole time laaa omg omg super freaking hilarious! i tell you i will never look at the song the same way anymore! it's really one of those UNFORGETTABLE memories.
so during the 'broken telephone' game my facis suddenly came up to me and asked me must come for the last day finale. they are submitting my name to be the MISS starringSMU! crazy ah! i told them hundred reasons why i refuse but they're very stubborn la being facis :( i'm not planning to humiliate myself and i'll just not show up on that day according to the plan then! haha.
so we ended at around 7pm (punctual!) and my body's worn out! after the twister, walking up stairs and entangling myself from the human chain!
we're planning a 7-UP (oh yeah, our group name btw) group dinner on the 25th, so the facis are like nagging us must go on that day.
ok i really love my school :D

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