Tuesday, July 8, 2008

7 july

MATRICULATION part 1. a bit late, reached SMU SoA an hour later than the actual 2 pm. too many stations, too long queue, too crowded, seniors too noisy (you have to stop and entertain each one of them when they approach you otherwise you'll be deemed stuck-up and i managed to be nice and did just that), the senior girls asked where i got my top from, the guys are such flirts (imagine bumping into the same person at every station spooky!), more saints-turn-smu acc. being unveiled. after the looong decision-making, i ended up signing up for 3 camps (i have to turn down tonnes of the aggressive persuasion from the seniors to sign up for those i'm not interested in; like extreme camp!) the three being: Absolut'U Accountancy Camp, Freshmen Teambuilding Camp (we signed up for run 4 which is the last run) and UniY Camp (to clear 3/4 of our compulsory 80-hrs community service!) and notice it's really CAMPS. meaning, staying overnight in school (or wherever) for at least 3 nights! for each camp! omg omg omg. i've never in my life attend so many camps before, i'm like rushing to buy a sleeping bag! and when i told peter, he was like, yeah what SMU people have nothing to do what that's why have so many camps. errr.. i think he wants to die. camps are ex, $30 each, except the FTB. i actually wanna join starringSMU camp whereby the CIP hours are being clocked in while we dance and learn samba, wash cars and break s'pore records. sounds fun right! peer pressure made me choose UniY but oh well it's not bad etiher. signed up for visa /debit card too cos of the millions privileges. oh yeahhh got my student card and it's horrendous; i look unprepared and quite weird but ok la, not complaining maybe i'll paste a nicer photosticker over it some time. but the card itself is cool cos i can now access all the facilities in SMU! later that day i wanna sign up for the mandatory library workshop but it was fully booked, i couldn't even get the last 5 pm slot. went shopping with my friends after that (only afew stops from orchard!) and when i was going home, met yingneng cos he's taking 518 too! he looked so diff and seemed more well-behaved than ever. and after our chat, i actually found out that he aspires to be a chef! haha but he's rich so yeah no problem one. my shoulders and feet HURT like hell cos of the matriculation bag filled with heavy brochures/documents and the walking around 12 stations to be matriculated. and i'm not even close to being done!

8 july

MATRICULATION part 2. meeting friends at 11 am. basically i went down just to go for the library thing. some of the seniors actually remember me and they were like, you better sign up for my event cos i remember your name and face already! you cannot run away from me! haha. the library usage is too complicated la, i caught no ball. ok we walked to raffles city for lunch and we met timmy's friends at the same restaurant :) i was glad when everything is taken care of; it was close to 6 pm by then. we went to town and i tried looking for a sleeping bag but can't really find and i ended up at my saloon getting my hair cut! hahahaha it turned out very well :D shopped for a bit and then back east. the specs girl called, my specs is ready for collection. i'm so gladdd i bought just in time for the camps cos apparently we're discouraged from wearing contacts. i gtg sort out my papers and mark out dates on my organiser, so later!

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