Sunday, June 8, 2008

the formidable trip to JB again today; the second in-and-out to be precise. with the super-impulsive yuli. to tell you the truth, she's actually the only pillar of strength that prompts me to go through all the menacing travelling/squeezing/shoving amongst the sardine of rather kiasu travellers! gawddd, it took lots of my closing-one-eye and definitely a moutain of forbearance to make it through the day at first but with the much needed positive attitude from my sis throughout, i actually managed a triumph! (i never knew i could last the day!)

so paid a visit to the city square shops again. lunch @ kenny roger's; thumbs-up from me. didn't actually plan to shop but guess whattt. we bought numerous stuff to the point of excess! unnecessary little things like super cute water bottles, hairclip, CLOTHES (i got this cute skirt), snacks, SHOES (the shoes there are insanely gorgeous!), and some other redundant things which we bought based primarily on the one big factor: CHEAPNESS. hahahaha :D

i'm kinda facing a problem regarding the whole visit pass thing. i might not be able to carry on with this trick anymore and that means i have to travel someplace else. i was thinking of batam but still having mixed feelings about it. i'd worry when it's time. on the same down note, my resignation wasn't that successful either. after mustering all the courage giving my boss notice, she was seemingly trying to retain me :| howww?? (anybody who intends to work full-time sales, pleaseee declare yourself to me!)

alright i'm really really bushed! later.

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