Tuesday, July 24, 2007



stressed up again!
so much work, so little time.
i have tutorials to do, revisions to complete, and thousands of things to finish.
but zero progress.
hmm tmr is the start of learning festival.
i'll be teaching! infusing chem into cooking.
yeah i know. it sounds so sick and nerdy!
and anyone who knows me knows very well that i can't cook for nuts!
but come on, i need to teach during this learning fest to add into my SGC.
so. whatever.
i signed up for very bimbotic courses la, henna drawing, balloon sculpturing and trip to toy museum.
yup. get it right, it's TOY museum.
haha, it's my girlfriends' idea.
asked joshua to go also, he wanted but signed up late so the space was taken.
who asks you to be sick at the wrong time cheam??
anyway it's cheap, $5 for entry, normally it's way more.

ah yeaa, been sitting beside siang yee in class.
he's like sooooooooo irritating with a capital I!!!
woah, let me list down what he's capable of:
1. definitely a king of MONOLOUGE! his mouth can like just talk by itself 24/7.
2. he'll not let you fall asleep in class! he will disturb you till you are back fresh.
3. make your stomach aches, cos i've been like laughing alot, ALOT, cos of his lameness and nonsensical comments.
4. he can sabo you like mad la!
like last time, we were walking to gp class and i was saying, "i hope ms lee never come today."
and he agreed with me you know! but then as soon as we entered the class, he blurted out, " ms lee, mega said she wished you nv come so that no gp today! see, council somemore. " GREAT. but yeah, of cos, she didn't trust him haha.
and in class, whenever the teachers ask for volunteer to answer, he will just shout, "mega said she's dying to try!" i think you got what i mean yeah.
5. he will come out with stupid ideas but actually they make school life more fun.
example, there was one time he was scolding "F U." then i stared at him and he went "ok, let's make a bet. i won't swear for this week. if i win, then pay $1. vice versa."
haha and turned out he never swear! till like now. cool.
6. he will give you no privacy, very kaypo. borrow your phone, browse2, see your ipod and everything.

see, that's what i have to go through everyday in school. sigh! :(

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