Thursday, April 3, 2008


took a cab ($22!) and rushed down to the school of acc/law building. i was the second candidate to be interviewed! that's pretty scary. while waiting, chatted with a raffles jc girl. she's so nice that we talked like as if we knew each other for years. so it was a 2to1 kind, whereby my interviewers are this (quite) old lady and a male senior i guess. they greeted me veryyy warmly and everything. they kept asking me questions! ok let me try to list here the questions they threw at me:
1) why SMU & why accountancy (i prepared for this but only the latter part)
2) tell me more abt your family + hobbies + student council life
3) what did i do for my project work
4) what other schools did i apply to and when i said NTU, whether i have gotten any feedback yet
5) how do i think i will contribute to SMU
6) do i have any idea what an accontant does (omg i crapped my way through, honestly i don't!) and whether i have a friend who's an accountant
7) how do i see myself upon graduation
8) why my course choices are so diversed
9) and other small reply-type of questions like what book do i read, how am i in class and stuff
i think that's about it. i felt like walking out of the interview room at one point i tell you! the thing is, the boy asked most of the questions so naturally i have to make more eye contact with him and i'm afraid the professor will feel neglected and offended! siggghhh. i think i screwed this one up haha. the interview was supposed to be 15 mins but mine was prob like 30 mins! and nothing of current affairs! (which i have been forcibly following everyday just to be on the safe side!) alright nuff said. don't wanna think abt it.

bye world.

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