Sunday, March 30, 2008

i'm feeling pretty lousy nowadays; feeling dumb to be precise. i'm starting to worry about not getting a place in the u. believe me, it's not easy. i just came to a harsh realisation of this when i was talking with my friends ystd. some people just have it all. some people are just born all-rounder. some people just don't have to do much for life. some are simply lucky. and that 'some people' certainly doesn't include me.

1) am i going to the u?
2) will i be able to get into acc/buss?
3) which school will i end up in?
4) when will i quit my job? WHEN.

i think i'm just too complacent. again. and whenever i feel i'm okay and happy, that's when this feeling barges in.that has always been the case. and recently i feel like i don't know who are these people around me anymore. I FEEL SO FCKING DISCONNECTED.

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