Sunday, June 15, 2008

first and foremost let me just get it out of the way,
to my dad and the rest of the fathers/fathers-to-be out in the world.
it's funny how the society tends to be less festive when it comes to father's day;
or should i say how mother's day is wayy more exaggerated from time immemorial.
don't you think.
i will very conveniently assume here it's all about girl power! :)

today saw me parting ways with my $$ again, this time for the exchange of a black GUESS wallet and an eccentric pencil/makeup case. i'm just glad i controlled myself well enough not to end up with another GUESS handbag! all the SALE SALE SALE makes everything superficially cheap and guess what, you spending more than you planned to.
let's all blame the GSS!

despite all, exceptionally pleasant outing/shopping trip with my sis!


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