Tuesday, August 7, 2007

formed a council table.
and i decided to sit with my fellow councillors on grad night.
broke the news to my 3 close classmates.
they were quite skeptical at first, but yeah they understand eventually.
they have to. am i right.
anyway. joshua is settling all the grad night stuff for our table.
he's the best man! my good friend.
we are so gonna rock cos we are asking the 30th to give us (their council seniors!) the best ever table. yeah!
just checked my friendster.
another comment from timmy.
he's so pitiful, now all his friends put his pic as primary pics.
and if only you see tim's friendster, i have no freaking idea how darrell typed so many comments! haha interesting.
i think my girlfriends are a little unhappy about me mixing with other friends nowadays.
like every morning i will gather at the sc and walk to assembly with either timmy, clarence or joshua and always end up lining up at the back, behind siang yee (and he'll gentlemanly ask me to move in front of him). my girlfriends thought why i always never line up together with them in the middle. and today, had lunch with joshua. they were showing their not-so-friendly side because i never join them. and the news of me joining council table and not our class table, definitely made it worse. they even say, "woahh council so bonded already why still need to sit together?" hmm isn't it kind of like the point to sit together with the people you're bonded and close to for the last time? :/
what am i to do??
i love my council friends just as much, if not more.
you can't blame me for feeling more comfortable around my council friends.
hmmm turned out tmr i'll be getting my ass off my bed early again, cos decided to attend the national celebration in school.
thought i wouldn't, but girlfriends want me to.
peer pressure ahhh that's why.

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